


Free – We’re excited for all new customers to stop by and meet us in person. We’ll take you through the climate controlled kennel and show you around the 4+ acres of fenced play areas. Feel free to come alone; but, if possible, we’d like to get to know your furry friend as well. Kids are welcome too. On top of seeing the pups, they’ll enjoy getting to know our many farm friends.


$40/night – We provide everything your dog needs except for food (Changing up a dog’s diet can be stressful and/or have adverse side effects). You can portion out the food in individual bags, or provide a sealed container with a scoop. In addition, though not required, we encourage you to bring clean bedding, blankets, and a small toy to make the stay feel more like home.


$20/day – For those that want to play, we spend most of the day outdoors (usually 6+ hours) playing in one of our fenced areas. When they’re in the yard, we are too. They can play, wander around, or take a nap in the shade. During breaks, they’ll have their own climate controlled kennel with a personal water bowl. Tired dogs are happy dogs, and we’ll make sure everyone gets adequate exercise and personal attention throughout the day.


$20 each – We have a very natural yard and we play outside rain or shine. In other words, you should expect a tired and happy but also dirty dog. Instead clogging up your pipes or dealing with the cleanup, let us do the dirty work for you. You can add on a bath or nail trim to any daycare or boarding session. and we’ll make sure they come home feeling fresh and clean.